A guide to Charles' Skills, Hobbies, and Interest

made by Calugtong, Charles

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           Skills could be defined as a set of abilities that a person has in performing certain actions or task 1. Having skills in certain tasks doesn’t make a person an expert at that field or discipline, simply they just have the ability to do that task in an acceptable manner 2. Keeping those definitions in mind, I will share the skills that I have that I am proud of or happy with 3. The first skill that I’ll be sharing is my computer skills. 4. Computer skills such as handling of hardware components, usage of applications, modifications in system settings, installing software and uninstalling, managing of files, and various other computer related tasks 5. Being an IT student, one should have a basic understanding towards computers.6. I’d say I’m pretty comfortable and confident when it comes to handling computers 7. I have sufficient knowledge with a computer’s software and hardware which in turn allow me to use it efficiently 8. Going to the second skill that I will share is my creative skills 9. Primarily drawing and using photoshop 10. I learned to use photoshop due to reasons related to the first skill that I mentioned earlier 11. I can edit pictures pretty well and make modifications 12. Now drawing, I will say I am not the best at drawing but ever since I was I child I have been drawing so I would say I’m decent at it 13. Last but not least is my technological skills 14. I would say I can learn how to operate and use electronic devices pretty fast 15. I like tampering with electronics quite a bit, so figuring out how to use a new device for me is quite easy and almost like second nature to me 16. Honorable mentions that I want to add are my beatboxing skills, origami skills, my skills in modulating my voice to do accents or imitations, my linguistic skills, and lastly my gaming skills 17.

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           Hobbies are things that an individual does during their free time that provides them with joy or pleasure 1. As such I’ll be sharing some of my hobbies 2. The first hobby that I would like to share is gaming 3. Growing up I could remember that I was always surrounded by video games though at the time I didn’t really have much of an interest towards video games but as time passed on I eventually developed a liking towards video games 4. Nowadays a good percentage of my life has been dedicated to video games 5. Playing video games brings me a lot of joy and it also enabled me to make good friends, making it one of my all time favorite hobbies 6. Another hobby that I have is watching anime 7. I started indulging in anime when I was at high school but before then I did watch a few shows when I was a child but never fully committed to watching a full series 8. Again by high school I spent most of my days just watching anime and this led me into a deep rabbit hole 9. Nowadays I don’t consume as much anime as I used to but I still do love the media 10. Lastly but surely not least, I do love drawing and doing some arts and crafts, things allow me to be creative and innovate works 11. Much like what I said in the previous paragraph, I’ve been drawing since I was a child 12. I do quite enjoy the medium of art and I like indulging in it 13. It's a great medium of expression and once in a while you can create pretty good personal pieces 14.

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           Interest could be described as passive ideas that an individual may have a sense of wonder or intrigue to 1. Having explained what interests are, I’ll be sharing the topics or ideas that I have a fascination with 2. Going straight into it, one of things that I am really interested in is Japanese culture 3. Japanese culture is just very fascinating, it is very rich and has a wide spectrum 4. From its history, technology, fashion, and religion, Japanese culture piques my interest a lot 5. A reason as well to why I am interested in Japanese culture is due to my exposure to its media such as, Japanese games, shows, art, and so on 6. Going to another topic that interests me, I do like to explore military related things7. From guns, tanks, ships, planes, systems, tactics, and history of the military I quite enjoy just checking it out and learning about it 8. I have major respect and intrigue toward the military primarily due to what happened during the world wars, upon learning about the world wars it made me go down the military rabbit hole 9. Another reason why I have a sense of fascination with the previously stated topics is due to the media that I was surrounded by which a big contribution came from this next topic which is video games 10. As stated before, ever since I was child I did enjoy video games and gaming in general 11. Video games have a massive amount of interesting stories, history, and technology 12. Naturally with video games being a massive part of my life, I have a massive interest towards it as well 13. Video games as a topic have a variety of threads that one can indulge in 14. From great stories, technological feats, and just modern day cultural impact, video games are a very intriguing topic that a person can dive into 15.

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