
Biography of Charles' Life

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           I was born on the date July 20 1927, is what I would have said if I was my grandad but unfortunately I am Charles Calugtong 1. My real birth date is during September 20, 2002, introduced to the world at around midnight on that date 2. Throughout my childhood I would say I had a pretty normal upbringing 3. I played, ate, slept, and did what I was told to do by my parents 4. The first 3 years of my life I have no clear memories of, only a few tid bit memories that I vaguely remember 5. By around the age of 4 that is when I remember that my consciousness has formed 6. I briefly remember that I was in the middle of something and I suddenly stopped, then from that point on I knew that I was Charles 7. As a child I'd say that I was in the more rowdy spectrum, I still followed the do's and dont's but I was quite playful at times 8. I was a curious child always asking questions about anything and everything, just wanting to gain knowledge from the adults 9. By the time I went to school my was around 5 years old to 6 years old 10. Effectively skipping kinder and nursery 11. Going straight to Prep, I made quite some friends and also being quite the rowdy kid that I was, I was pretty much well knowned by my adviser back then 12. The younger me really liked going to school back then 13. Being in a new environment, there was a lot of stimuli that my brain could soak up and learn from, which my younger self enjoy learning about new things 14. Fast forwarding a little bit, by age 7 I hit one of my major turning points in life 15. I would say turning 7 years old came with a few changes 16. I was still most definitely a normal kid, but by that age I was starting to develop the things that I liked and disliked 17. Some of my interest towards gaming, arts, and etc, formed during this time span of my life 18. The development of my interest in this early stage of my life pretty much carried on till my teenager years and my early adulthood 19. In summary I'd say my childhood was pretty normal, it was pretty much a lot of playing, socializing, and just overall development of my younger brain 20.

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           My teenage years was pretty much filled with a lot of downs, a lot more of platues, and a good bit of ups 1. As most people would have experienced, a persons teenage years are filled with major changes in life, which I'd say that applies to me as well 2. I'm not really too fund of my teenage years in life due to reason that I'm not gonna talk about here 3. All I'm going to say is that teenage life is filled with many self-reflections and development4. Most of my teenage years was spent on either indulging in my interest/hobbies, honing some skills, playing video games, and lastly studying 5. Going to the easiest to explain, which is studying, a big portion of my teenage life was pretty much dedicated to studying in school 6. Highschool and teenagers are virtually synonymous to each other, most people go to highschool by their teenage years 7. Being in highschool meant more things to study, but by this point in my life my motivation to learn new things started to diminish 8. Though I still kept at it and eventually graduated 9. Graduating highschool means going to college, which I'll be going back to later, there are still things that happened in my life aside from graduating highschool 10. During my teenage years, aside from studying, I indulged in my interest when I had extra time to spare 11. I explored multiple mediums of media during this time of my life, from games, shows, music, and a bunch more. 12. Through this indulgement of my interest/hobbies, I began to hone some of my skills inspired by the things that I heard, saw, and felt through my interest 13. During this streak of trying to do things related to my interest, I began to learn some skills that range from fun, useful, to useless 14. Some of the fun skills that I learned during this time in my life is beatboxing, making origamis, and others 15. I also learned to use photoshop, draw, and tamper a little bit with technological things, these are some of the useful skills I learn during my teenage years 16. Aside from the previously stated things, a good portion of my teenage year was spent on playing games 17. I was borderline addicted to playing videos games back then, but I'd say it was all good since I made close friends through gaming 18. In later stages of my teenage years I did quite a bit of personal development and just figuring out who and what I am 19. In short, my teenage years was spent on studying, playing video games with friends, developing skills, and lastly some self-reflections 20. By the age 18, people are considered as adults, after turning 18 myself this marks the end of my teenage years which we go now to my current period in my life, the college years 21.

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           The first year and a half of college, we were in the middle of a pandemic 1. Being in the middle of a pandemic the medium of learning was set online 2. By this point though I was already pretty used to the online mode of learning, since I spent the last year of my SHS on an online setting as well 3. I would say that the first year of college didn't really feel like I was a college student now 4. Due to the global pandemic, it altered my view on how college life would've been 5. I don't think anyone would have expected a major change in our system due to a sudden global out break anyways 6. Though going back to my first year as a college student, I certainly didn't perceive that it would be as it was 7. Though I am not saying that I didn't learn anything during the online classes, in all honesty I think I was well adapted to such style of learning and it allowed me to learn a lot 8. College life on an online setting was a bit new feeling, but it was a lot more relaxed and less stressful during those times 9. The first year and a half of college in all honesty was quite nice 10. The first instances of my first college year I was a bit lost, especially with the online setting back, I didn't really know how the system would be 11. Eventually though as the days pass by, everything pretty much became second nature 12. We had classes much like how a normal class would go, the only difference is that we sat infront of our devices instead of face-to-face 13. There were activities, quizzes, and exams, which we needed to do and pass 14. Everything was running pretty much smoothly like a cog inside a machine 15. There were some mild hiccups but it was nothing that couldn't be fixed 16. That was the first year and a half of my college life, I pretty much studied, did what I needed to do, and learned the basics 17. I was like a cog inside a machine, just doing my role to keep the whole system going 18. Until recently we are now having face-to-face classes again, which I now truly feel the college life 19. Its certainly a new feeling going outside and actually meeting my blockmates and professors, but I am prepared on what could happen next 20. The goal now is to continue on and hopefully graduate in the future 21.

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